Who are you like?
0September 18, 2015 by Lydia Syson

UKYAX is all about breaking down barriers between readers and writers, and finding new ways to spread the word about books. With that in mind, Chelley Toy and I have had emails flying back and forth all week concocting a quiz to whet your appetite for the Nottingham event, and introduce you to some of the characters in my novels. Now step this way to discover your (historical) fictional twin…
Here’s the full schedule for the UKYAX blog tour leading up to 10th October….
Next stop, tomorrow, will be Zoe Marriott at Writing from the Tub. And in case you’ve been wondering what being a book-blogger involves, here’s my UKYAX blogging-partner Chelley – UKYABA Champion Newcomer 2015 – to introduce herself and her book-blogging life. Huge amounts of thanks to Chelley for taking up the quiz idea and running with it…and thanks to Sanne Vliegenthart at Hot Key Books for setting us off in the right direction.
Hi, I’m Chelle and I run Tales of Yesterday.
I have always loved books and I took the step of starting a blog through this love that I have. It really felt like a natural progression for me. I went through a bit of a traumatic time a couple of years ago when I suddenly and without reason lost my sight in my right eye. It was a tough time, I couldn’t read for a while with my left eye and I guess my brain couldn’t concentrate on things properly and my sight has not returned. After a while I picked up a UKYA book (Hollow Pike by James Dawson) and started reading it and fell completely in love with reading again and the whole YA community.
Now I read lots of books and review them on my blog and also love to feature guest posts, Q&As amongst others things, from authors as well as other bloggers. I always feature anything I enjoy or find fun or want to know the answers to. I love the fact that I can discuss books through my blog or on twitter with other people who have read the books. It’s lovely to hear different opinions and thoughts. I have made so many wonderful friends through blogging, other bloggers, authors, publicists etc and each and every single one has touched my heart! The book blogging community is THE BEST!
I’m also a co-mod for the awesome book forum BookishPeeps.com and organiser of #DrinkYAMidlands and #PicnicYAMidlands where everyone is welcome to meet up for bookish chat and fun! I also host a nostalgic #PointHorrorBookClub on the 13th of every month where we read and discuss a Point Horror book which were all the rage and loved by myself in the 90’s – do you remember them?
I am helpdesk/resource planner team leader for a service company by day and an avid book reader/book blogger/serial tweeter/twitter addict by night and on weekends! I am often known to be a little bit clumsy and possibly a little loopy! I am always laughing at something or another and have a bit of a chuckle laugh (one of my managers calls me chuckles). I live with my husband, Kevin, who I have known since I was 4 and I have a 10 year old son, Corey, who is as much of a book-lover as me. I also have 3 cats, Skittles, Patch and Louis who enjoy clawing at my curtains, and 3 rabbits, Smudge, Caramel and Clover, who pinch all my vegetables! I am a book-loving (obsessed), theatre-loving, slasher-horror film loving csi geek! I’m often (very often) seen on Twitter embarrassing myself and tweeting about books using @chelleytoy. I also have a thing for Homer Simpson……
Category News | Tags: Chelle Toy, children's book quiz, favourite characters in historical fiction, Liberty's Fire, literary quiz, Lydia Syson quiz, Tales of Yesterday, UKMGX, UKYAX, UKYAX blog tour, YA quiz
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